Sunday worship is only a small portion of church life.
Below are just a few of the wonderful groups and activities that comprise church life. We are always looking for energetic and passionate people to contribute their time and talents, so please join us.


Each Sunday, we celebrate our faith through music, with performances by our choir, our congregation, and guests from the community.
Our Senior Choir consists of volunteer vocalists from the congregation, led and accompanied by Dr. Ramona Kime, our Director of Music.
For more information about our music program, contact Dr. Ramona Kime.
art team

Art is a way to nurture our faith by bringing the beauty of God’s reign on earth to our taste, smell, touch, and sight into our activities and into our sacred spaces.
This group seeks to create opportunities for talented and passionate people to engage with art, beauty and creativity.
If you are interested in learning more about our Art Ministry projects or how you can offer your talents, contact Sandra Field.
prayer shawls

We have an active and talented group who knit, crochet and quilt shawls or lap blankets for people whom our congregation is praying for.
Finished shawls are consecrated in a worship service and given to the person as a tangible sign of our love and care for them. This is part of a nationwide movement that we adapted at our church in 2005.
If you would be interested in helping with this great ministry, meet with us on the first and third Saturdays of each month to get started. Yarn donations are also accepted.

Godly play

God put the wiggle in children.
Children of all ages are welcome in worship, which is where we learn the songs, stories and practices of our faith.
Our Sunday School teaches about God’s presence using the Godly Play program, focusing on stories, discovery, and play. It encourages life long learning and spirituality.
For more information about our Sunday School program, please contact our Godly Play instructor Sarah Cook.
pub theology

Join curious conversationalists at the local pub to talk about theological perspectives, taboo topics of faith and religion, doubt and disbelief, orthodoxy and heresy, spirituality, history, scriptures and interpretations, and more.
Each week, we talk about a different topic related to faith, spirituality, and religion, in an environment where not only members of our church family will be comfortable, but where others might feel comfortable as well.
This is an informal gathering that takes place with your favorite beverage in hand, and possibly a bit to eat. For more information, please contact Adam Droscha.
adult bible study

For too many Christians, history stopped in high school and theology somewhere around 4th grade.
On Tuesdays, we examine and discuss current understanding of the when and why of Jewish, Biblical and Christian history, along with lifting up those individuals quietly and sometimes not so quietly acting like Jesus now (and Herod, and Caesar).
The point is not to know what to memorize, but to learn the context of changing thoughts and attitudes as conveyed in almost 3000 years of biblical writing, and what Christians have done with those writings and thoughts since the 1st Century.


… we are challenged by our faith to reach out to our congregants, our community and world family ...
Our local outreach programs support Helping Hands, SIREN/Eaton Shelter and Eaton Clothing and Furniture Center. We also support special missions such as Crop Walk, Neighbors in Need, and One Great Hour of Sharing.
We are “Love in Action.”
congregational commons

The Commons is an outdoor space adjacent to the church office, dedicated to meditation, celebration, and community.
Open to the public, it features an elevated stage for live performances, a children‘s garden, and a 45′ labyrinth to explore.
During the summer, we host an outdoor worship service that is full of music, fellowship, and joy.
Find yourself here.
social justice

We are a progressive church that promotes social and racial equity, protecting the environment, and welcoming everyone into the full life of the church.
We are committed to loving all people equally, just as Jesus did, seeing beyond our differences, and extending the hand of peace to all.
No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!

women’s fellowship

Created to enlist the women of the church in a fellowship of worship, study and stewardship and to unite all women of the church in seeking to cultivate the Spirit of Christ beginning with their own lives and reaching out into the home, the community, the nation and the world.
We organize several annual events, including the Church Bazaar and Family Dinner. These special projects and dinners help us to provide generous support to numerous benevolent organizations.
movie night

Our monthly movie series includes films that range from documentaries to movies with a message to movies just for fun.
Documentaries and “movies with a message” are usually related to our Social and Environmental Justice Committee’s monthly topics, such as homelessness, the environment, immigration, Black History Month, LGBTQ support, food insecurity, etc. Films are usually followed by a brief discussion and will often be led by a community or church member who works in the field.
For more information, contact Ramona Kime, or check the church calendar for the latest scheduled films.
strategic vision

Our congregation has embarked on a “Strategic Planning Process”, a journey of reflection and vision about who we are, the challenges we face, and how to meet them head on.
In addition to declaring new mission and vision statements, we also established 5 specific strategic goals.
These goals (or “pillars”) outline a blueprint for revitalizing the church, both to identify the challenges that face us, and to intentionally guide the decision-making process in order to strengthen our church for the foreseeable future.