strategic vision
Strategic Planning Process
In October 2021, we began a period of reflection and healing. Our congregation has embarked on a “Strategic Planning Process”, a journey of reflection and vision about who we are, the challenges we face, and how to meet them head on. In February 2022, Church Council received a report that incorporated feedback and offered recommendations drawn directly from the observations and the input of the congregation.
The report included several specific statements of belief that we feel reflect our mission, our values, and our goals.

mission statement
We are God’s Love in Action.

vision statement
First Congregational Church will be a vibrant, thriving, and inclusive church inspiring Love in Action.
our values

love in action
strategic goals
These goals (or “pillars”) outline a blueprint for revitalizing the church, both to identify the challenges that face us, and to intentionally guide the decision-making process in order to strengthen our church for the foreseeable future.

Build Relationships
As members of the body of Christ, we will leverage our individual and collective strengths to build strong relationships and a sense of belonging within our own congregation and with our external community.
We will actively participate in worship and ministry together, use our spiritual gifts, show kindness and care for each other, and communicate clearly and compassionately with one another.

Embrace Change
With Jesus as our model, we will embrace change that builds understanding and supports positive transformation within ourselves, our congregation and our community.
We aim to become a vibrant, responsive, service-oriented congregation that is growing in number, knowledge and understanding.

Embody Grace
As God loves us, so must we behave in love toward each other. We will welcome the stranger and ensure that no matter who someone is or where they are on life’s journey, they feel embraced and included in our congregation and in our community. We will seek tender hearts and humble minds, seeking mutual understanding and forgiveness so that we are blessings to one another.

Inspire “Love in Action”
As loving followers of Jesus Christ, we will reach out to our congregants, our community and world family to be living examples of God’s love in action.
We are a church family that cares deeply for one another and that works collaboratively to help fill the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs of our congregation and those in most need in our community.

Plan for the Future
We will work diligently to better understand the church’s resources and create future-focused action plans that provide the resources necessary to support the work of the church now and into the future.
We seek to become an increasingly well-resourced church that is prepared to meet the financial needs of the present and the future.