pastoral search
the process
Our church has embarked on a period of discernment and reflection since the departure of our settled pastor at the end of 2021.
Unlike many other denominations, congregations in the UCC seek out and select their own spiritual leaders. This process is called “Search and Call“, and often takes several months or even years.
As our congregation prepares for the search, we have engaged in a Strategic Planning process to identify our values, determine our priorities, and to set a blueprint for our future. It’s also about healing and growing our congregation in these challenging times.
intentional interim
To help us through this process, and guide our spiritual life during this time, we have invited the Rev. Jody Betten to act as an Intentional Interim Minister.
As a trained Interim Minister, Jody’s role is to serve as a bridge between settled pastors; helping the congregation bring closure to a former pastorate, assess opportunities for the next, and get ready for a new era of ministry.
Jody (they or she pronouns) has served as a solo pastor, in church staff positions, and as co-pastor, in suburban, urban and rural churches. They have experience as settled, interim and new church planter, and as Michigan Conference UCC staff.
next steps
Our Church Council selected a Pastoral Search committee to begin the Search and Call process. Under the leadership of our Council President, and with the advice of the Interim and Conference leadership, we assembled a Local Church Profile to share with potential candidates. During this time of discernment, we will review the profiles of authorized ministers who might fit our congregation and community as a settled pastor. Our preferred candidate will be invited to fill the pulpit at an agreeable time, and the Congregation will then vote afterward on whether to call them to serve.
For more information about this process, please contact our Council President Matt Slot.