June 29, 2023
Greetings beloved colleagues,
I am writing to announce that our Annual Meeting of the Michigan Conference United Church of Christ will be held on Saturday, October 28the 2023 at Plymouth United Church of Christ in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It will be a perfect venue for us to connect in person and celebrate the covenant that makes us stronger together.
A block of rooms will be available at the Drury Inn nearby. If you are planning on arriving Friday and staying over at the Drury, a casual mixer will be held there Friday evening. It will be an enjoyable way to reconnect with other colleagues before the conference.
We’re confident that this year’s conference will be inspiring to you, especially as we continue to emerge from the tiring and often lingering effects of Covid. Many of us are still trying to gain our bearings as to where God is leading us in these challenging times of change.
To assist us in refining our direction, our keynote speaker Claire Bamberg will be sharing her insights on how vitality is linked to the life of our congregations. Claire is an ordained minister, licensed mental health professional, certified mediator, professional certified coach, a systems and developmental theory expert, and an engaging speaker.
Our conference planning team has been working diligently to create an uplifting and enlightening gathering. Our hope is that the Annual Conference will be a time for us to look through the lens of vitality in new ways that will encourage us in our congregational work as well as personally. Additionally, as we share face-to-face time, we hope it once again allows the Spirit to remind us of the importance of our work together.
Finally, please note that thoughtfulness has been infused into each element going into the conference based on feedback we’ve been given. From the choice of lunches that support minority businesses, to providing a way for everyone to travel to and from the conference safely.
So be sure to mark the dates on your calendar. And continue to watch Conference communications and/or the Michigan Conference website for the latest information.
I hope you will join us! |