congregational commons
First Congregational Church purchased the neighboring bank property in late 2016, to turn the once vacant drive-through and cracked asphalt into a green space and community asset.
The bank building now features an elevated stage approximately 27×14 feet, facing a concrete patio and an open park-like courtyard. Benches and colorful trees surround a large lawn, and the featured labyrinth. A flower garden, colorful art projects, and memorials complete the space.

Each summer, the church hosts several community events, such as music concerts, reading programs, and more.

Weather-permitting, we also bring our Sunday morning worship service outside where people are free to spread out and enjoy this space.

Featured bands over the last few summers include: The Michigan Mafia String Band, Fabulous Oldies but Goodies, Frendz Band, Charlotte Community Jazz Ensemble, and Two-Faced Wilson.